lunes, 8 de enero de 2018

Empresas multimillonarias que empezaron en garajes

Diapositiva 1 de 11: <p>If you're like most people, the garage is where you store your car, tools and clutter you can't part with — it's not where you house your place of business. Some of the most successful businesses, however, started out in people's garages.</p><p>From mega-giants like Amazon to the maker of everyone's favorite brand of candles, click through to see 10 <a href="">companies that expanded into big-time businesses</a>.</p>
Si eres como la mayoría, el garaje será donde guardas tu auto, la herramientas y el desorden del que no puedes separarte: no el lugar donde albergas tu negocio. Sin embargo, algunos de los negocios más exitosos comenzaron en los garajes.
Diapositiva 2 de 11: <p><strong>Year Established:</strong> 1995<br><strong>Current Value:</strong> $427 billion</p><p>In 1995, Princeton graduate Jeff Bezos started the online bookstore in his home garage. He always had a vision for Amazon to be "<a href="">an everything store</a>." In those early days, however, the servers to facilitate transactions required so much power that even the use of a hairdryer could blow a fuse. </p><p>The garage space provided him with the means to store goods, conduct transactions and send shipments. In the first few months of operation, Amazon had shipped items to 45 different countries.</p>

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